Dear Celebrated One,
The honey bee, though a remarkable worker and manufacturer, has extraordinary vision. With two sets of eyes, three on top of it’s head, called ocelli, and two on the either side, a bee’s visibility is not only a necessary part of it’s survival, but it’s ability to thrive. A bee can see ultra violet rays, which are not visible by our physical human eyes, however, definitely exist. They can even detect a motion as minute as a flower petal, with the ocelli. The two larger eyes can detect wind and direction and see patterns, which can help identify plants.
Like the bee, we have two sets of eyes; physical and spiritual. Our faith sees with our spiritual eyes the seemingly impossible as being possible with God. It’s like the bee’s ultra violet vision to see into a realm beyond our physical vision.

What we can perceive with our eyes of faith is essential to our ability to thrive!  The familiar scripture, “Where there is no vision, the people perish (Proverbs 29:18),”  has revealed to me, yet, another revelation about this scripture.

The Holy Spirit, within each believer, reveals the unlimited possibilities of God, which by faith we have access to what he shows us. “Now we have not received the Spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God, so that we might know the things He has freely given us (1 Corinthians 2:12).”

When we are trusting the Lord to do a work, in our lives, that is beyond the scope of our natural understanding or visibility, we have to see it through the eyes of faith. To see it coming to pass according to God’s promises, in His Word. If you can envision it in the realm of the spirit, then with God, it can be realized in the natural realm. God even surpasses our imagination and spiritual vision. Ephesians 3:20 “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all that we can ever imagine or hope for…”

Faith in God is the supernatural force, that is superior to this world as we know it. God’s truth can change all the physical facts around us. What God reveals to us, in the spirit, is the truth. It is our choice whether we will believe what He shows us and tells us. The spirit of faith doesn’t look at the seen, but at the unseen. The only limitations that exists are what we will choose to believe. Do we believe that God can and will do what He has promised?

Hebrews 11:3 “By faith we understand that the ages were set by the Word of God, so that the things that are seen were not made out of things which are visible.”

Begin to visualize, with your eyes of faith, as the desires of your heart fulfilled. See God intervening in your most seemingly impossible circumstances. See it as God sees it; as possible. Ask the Holy Spirit to “enlighten the eyes of your heart,” as it says in Ephesians 1:18. What God shows you, indeed, you can have and is yours. Your faithful Father will not withhold any good thing from his child (Psalm 84:11).

Just like Abraham, he had to see himself as a father, even though his physical body was over a 100 years old and his wife, Sarah, 90 years old. Abraham ans Sarah had to believe God, even though there was no physical evidence or understanding of how this would happen. Despite the physical facts, they believed God’s promise and Isaac was born.

What do you see?


Joanie Holsapple

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