Dear Celebrated One,

I have given you strategic military orders to fight your battles victoriously. The battle is not in the flesh, but in the spirit. I have given you the weapons of your warfare, that are able to destroy the works of the enemy.

I have asigned specific warrior angels to protect you and to guard My promises released through your voice. My angels are listening for the sound of your praise to me and the declarations of My truth. They attentively harken unto My words to fulfill their asignments.

Do not underestimate the power of My word that I have armed you with. It is your sword in the spirit and powerful for tearing down strongholds. You are not fighting a battle that is seen with your natural eyes, but one that is seen in the spirit realm.

Declare what I have been speaking to you and what I have promised you, as already completed. You have My full permission and authority to declare your victory. You are on the verge of your heart’s desires breakthrough.

My warrior angels are ushering in My glory to you. I have covered you and surrounded you. These angels are in your midst and listening, waiting and contending on your behalf.

This is how you fight your battles.

Joanie Holsapple

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